package program8;
public class Main
// Program #8
// Zach Krizan
// Data Structures
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
* This program will demonstrate a tree using Dynamic Memory.
* It will display text asking the user to enter either 'i' or 'x'.
* 'i' will be to insert a value, and 'x' will be to end the program
* Once you insert a value, it will be added to the tree, then it will
* traverse the tree in in-order.
int value;
Tree theTree = new Tree(); //tree object
//This loop will run until the user enters 'x' to end the program
//user instructions
System.out.print("Type 'i' to insert or 'x' to exit: ");
int choice = getChar();
switch(choice) //switch statement for i or x
case 'i': //inserts the value, then traverses
System.out.print("Enter value to insert: ");
value = getInt();
case 'x': //ends program
System.out.println("Program will now end");
default: //shows the user they incorrectly inputted
System.out.print("Invalid entry\n");
} //end switch
}//end while
} //end main
//method getString
public static String getString() throws IOException
//uses IOException on the string
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String s = br.readLine();
return s;
//method getChar
public static char getChar() throws IOException
//uses IOException on the char
String s = getString();
return s.charAt(0);
//method getInt
public static int getInt() throws IOException
//uses IOException on the int
String s = getString();
return Integer.parseInt(s);
} //end Main
* Page 2
package program8;
* Node Class
public class Node
int value; //data used as key value
Node left; //his node's left child
Node right; //this node's right child
* Page 3
package program8;
* Tree Class
public class Tree
private Node root; // the only data field in Tree
public Tree()
root = null;
//method insert
public void insert(int v)
* This method will insert a node into the tree.
* It will follow the standard binary tree rule.
Node newNode = new Node(); //make new node
newNode.value = v; //insert data
if (root==null) //no node in root
root = newNode;
Node current = root; //start at root
Node parent;
while(true) //exists internally
parent = current;
if (v < current.value) //go left
current = current.left;
if (current == null) //if end of the line
parent.left = newNode;
} //end if go left
current = current.right;
if (current == null) //if end of the line
parent.right = newNode;
} //end else go right
} // end while
} //end else not root
} // end insert
//method traverse
public void traverse()
//method inOrder
public void inOrder (Node localRoot)
//this method will traverse the tree and print the nodest in order
//An example of in order (infix):
//If the root is A, the left child is B, and the right child is C
//The infix order would be B,A,C
if(localRoot != null)
System.out.print(localRoot.value + " ");
//method find
public void find(int key)
//this method will be implemented for program # 9
//method delete
public void delete(int id)
//this method will be implemented for program #10
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